Mi vida en linea(s) / My life on line(s)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Time Distance Analysis: Comparing the Progress of Ukraine with Selected European Countries

Time Distance Analysis:

Comparing the Progress of

Ukraine with Selected European Countries

Oleksiy Gorovyy

National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning

The George Washington University

This presentation discusses a new statistical method “Time Distance Analysis,” which has been developed by Professor Pavle Sicherl (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) and shows how it can be used to compare the transition, recovery and development of Ukraine relative to a group of European countries, both current and prospective members of the European Union. The presentation may be of interest to researchers, policy analysts and decision-makers as well as those who are interested in the process of European integration. For background information on time-distance analysis see http://www.gwu.edu/~rpsol/preconf/time.html.

Oleksiy Gorovyy is Deputy Director of The Institute of Pre-University Training and International Cooperation at the National Transport University (NTU) in Kiev. He is also teaches courses in advanced mathematics in the Department of Applied Mathematics at NTU.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Noon - 13:30 p.m.

Funger Hall, Room 320

2201 G Street NW

This is a brown bag event.

There is a sandwich shop on the ground floor.

A ese evento asisti el dia de ayer, bastante interesante aunque no preste atencion pues Oleksiy, uno de los Scholars, me pidio personalmente que le ayude filmando su charla que duro una hora. Pude conseguir algunas fotillos con su servidor (o sea yo!) en el fondo.

Y en esta aunque parece que me pudro de aburrimiento, en realidad estoy filmando a la persona de la izquierda que esta preguntando algo:

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-= Top 3 Pelis / Movies: =-

  • Across the Universe
  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Crash

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