Estoy algo molesto. Hoy fui a una gran discusion en uno de los salones del Banco Mundial, la charla fue acerca de como la telefonia celular puede afectar y mejorar la economia de un pais si es puesta al alcance de los consumidores.
Bonita charla, interesante; al final, en la etapa de preguntas me anime a preguntar algo, y grave en video todo, desde que me pare hasta que me sente, PERO al parecer me olvide guardar ese video por que no lo encuentro, que lastima.
Hubiesen podido apreciar mi precario ingles sonando en toda la sala gracias al equipo de sonido instalado en los dos microfonos disponibles para hacer las preguntas al panel, ni modales.

De todos modos tengo algunas fotillos y un video corto dentro de la sala.
Aca la invitacion original:
InfoShop and the Fletcher School and
Global Information and Communication Technologies Department, World Bank Group
Invite you to a discussion featuring a recent publication
You Can Hear Me Now:
How Microloans and Cell Phones Are Connecting the World's Poor to the Global
by Nicholas P. Sullivan

Bangladeshi villagers sharing cell phones helped build what is now a thriving
company with more than $200 million in annual profits. But what is the lesson
for the rest of the world? This is a question author Nicholas P. Sullivan
addresses in his tale of a new kind of entrepreneur, Iqbal Quadir, the visionary
and catalyst behind the creation of GrameenPhone in Bangladesh.

Grameen Phone-a partnership between Norway's Telenor and Grameen Bank, co-winner
of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize-defines a new approach to building business
opportunities in the developing world. You Can Hear Me Now offers a compelling
account of what Sullivan calls the "external combustion engine" --a combination
of forces that is sparking economic growth and lifting people out of poverty in
countries long dominated by aid-dependent governments. That "engine" is made of
information technology, imported by native entrepreneurs trained in the West,
and backed by foreign investors.

"Grameen Bank has an impact on the poor, GrameenPhone on the entire economy."
?Muhammad Yunus, winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize
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