Debido a mi evidente curiosidad, me encontre con una pagina bien interesante, es una compania llamada SKL que realiza documentales.
Al parecer uno de sus documentalistas (se dice asi?) esta perdido desde hace unos meses, si no estoy entendiendo mal, el y su novia pueden haber sido capturados de rehenes en algun pais.
Recientemente, dicha compania ha distribuido ciertos discos para computadora (de color negro y bastante feos) que contienen lo que al parecer ciertas pistas que el secuestrador ha enviado a esta compania.
SKL se ha dado la tarea de duplicar y hacer publico este CD para que cualquiera con las habilidades para descifrar las pistas puedan ayudar a dar con el paradero de Jack O encontrar al secuestrador (que al parecer es un asesino!, le llaman Fenix, pero no creo).
Posiblemente este reportero y su novia todavia esten con vida. Tengo propuesto hacer una investigacion al respecto.
Aca el primer email de contacto de la empresa despues de registrarme para ayudarles:
-----Original Message-----
From: SKL Network []
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 4:19 PM
Subject: Latest info
First of all, thank you for your help.
Here is the latest news in our possession.
A profiler has been hired to build a psychological portrait of the killer. He figures that there is a strong chance Jack and Karen are still alive. We have given him your details, so that he can send you the results of his initial analysis as soon as it's ready.
In case you have not already noticed, a toolbar has been integrated into the Phoenix's program (it can be accessed via a button at the left of the screen). It will let you check your e-mails and log straight onto the Internet without having to exit the program. It will also enable you to view any of Jack's films that have already been opened, and in particular, allow you to save your progress when exiting the program. If you would like further information on these tools, please refer to our booklet.
Last of all, please do not hesitate to check out all the latest case info on our site:
Good luck.
SKL Network
Comentare lo que vaya encontrando. Me han asignado una companera de investigacion, aca su ultimo correo:
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristin Lark []
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Your team member!
My name's Kristin and I'm a history major at Indiana University (PA). I'm currently on a study trip in France.
I got your address from SKL Network and they offered me the chance of being your partner on the Jack Lorski case (they're forming all the participants into teams so they've got more chance of cracking the case).
The guy who made the CD is just so wacko! He's also got a thing for the esoteric.
That's handy, that's what I'm majoring in! Check out my site on and you'll see what I mean.
Si encuentran algo sobre este sujeto, haganmelo saber!
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