Parte 2:
Mi vida en linea(s) / My life on line(s)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Incendios en California
Mas de un millón de personas fueron evacuadas de sus hogares hasta el día de hoy.
(Este link indica 500,000, pero CNN TV decía 1,000,000).
Esta no es la primera vez, en el 2003, la cosa fué peor:
Universo Alternativo
Lamento mucho postear esto en inglés, pero me da flojera el traducir. Para los que no les de flojera leer y lo entiendan, lo deja a uno pensando (especialmente la primera parte).
"Alan Roger Hinman, accounts manager for Gregory and Sons Plumbing and Construction, died Tuesday at the age of 56. His greatest accomplishment was to work at the same job for 20 years, and he led an otherwise undistinguished life. Due to the remarkable lack of interest in Mr. Hinman's life story, this obituary will instead detail what he accomplished in other time lines.
In one alternate universe, Mr. Hinman neglected to fill his father's station wagon's gas tank before the senior prom, and consequently needed to stop for fuel at a station on the outskirts of town, one he had previously avoided due to the somewhat higher prices and grimy exterior. While pumping the gas, he noticed a motorcycle for sale. Suddenly aware of the cool, clear night and the breadth of his life extended before him, he purchased the motorcycle with the money he had set aside for tuxedo rental, dinner and -- optimistically -- contraception.
After a couple awkward practice runs around the parking lot, Mr. Hinman rode off to see the part of America he missed growing up. (Which is to say, all of it except about two-thirds of his hometown, plus the single amusement park his family visited every year at vacation time.) Two years later, he wrote An American in America, a generation-defining quasi-fictional novel about a young man, his motorcycle, a marmoset with a really good grip, and the open road. The book was a huge critical and commercial success, and Mr. Hinman used the proceeds to buy six acres of Oregon land, living in seclusion and producing a small oeuvre of bitingly observant books on American culture.
In our universe, Mr. Hinman remembered to fill the gas tank beforehand, went to the prom and threw up twice despite not drinking any alcohol.
In another alternate time line, Mr. Hinman attended an accountancy conference at the age of 24, at which he noticed a display from a company selling "office computers" which fit snugly into a broom closet and could do the adding of 20 men. Fascinated by this new technology, he resolved to learn all he could about the devices, devouring all the literature available and soldering together simple computers at home.
Two years later, he quit his job and started H Computing, maker of the first successful home computer. Eventually his H-OPS operating system became the standard in both the business and personal world, and the Forbes "World's Richest People" list was renamed the "World's Richest People Apart From Alan Roger Hinman" list.
In our universe, Mr. Hinman saw the computer display, remembered his boss' opinion that "those demon machines will ruin the accounting business," and decided the less he knew about them the better. He resisted computers as much as he could, and sent his first e-mail in 2003.
In a third alternate universe, at the age of 40, Mr. Hinman found himself captured by the Revlians, polyp-covered aliens bent on conquering Earth. They subjected him to incredible torture in order to "learn the powers and limits of this Earth human species." In a development that would surprise anyone who knows him in our universe, these abuses only strengthened his resolve to escape, and Mr. Hinman came up with a daring plan that would later be made into an epic miniseries.
He gained control of the Revlian scout ship and landed it on the White House lawn in his haste to warn the president. For his bravery, Mr. Hinman was put in charge of the Planetary Peace Strikeforce and personally led the Battle of Somewhere Above Queensland, the decisive conflict in the war against the Revlians. He became the greatest war hero in history, and was elected three times to the post of Euro-American Premier before retiring in the face of an extremely manly scandal that only added to his mystique.
In our universe, Revlians do not exist, and alien abductions are a somewhat hackneyed and far-fetched literary device. The closest Mr. Hinman came to these events was the time he accidentally walked into the women's bathroom and, since it was empty and he really had to go, used it anyway.
He is survived by his brother and mother. Services will be held Friday."
Sacado de aca.
"Alan Roger Hinman, accounts manager for Gregory and Sons Plumbing and Construction, died Tuesday at the age of 56. His greatest accomplishment was to work at the same job for 20 years, and he led an otherwise undistinguished life. Due to the remarkable lack of interest in Mr. Hinman's life story, this obituary will instead detail what he accomplished in other time lines.
In one alternate universe, Mr. Hinman neglected to fill his father's station wagon's gas tank before the senior prom, and consequently needed to stop for fuel at a station on the outskirts of town, one he had previously avoided due to the somewhat higher prices and grimy exterior. While pumping the gas, he noticed a motorcycle for sale. Suddenly aware of the cool, clear night and the breadth of his life extended before him, he purchased the motorcycle with the money he had set aside for tuxedo rental, dinner and -- optimistically -- contraception.
After a couple awkward practice runs around the parking lot, Mr. Hinman rode off to see the part of America he missed growing up. (Which is to say, all of it except about two-thirds of his hometown, plus the single amusement park his family visited every year at vacation time.) Two years later, he wrote An American in America, a generation-defining quasi-fictional novel about a young man, his motorcycle, a marmoset with a really good grip, and the open road. The book was a huge critical and commercial success, and Mr. Hinman used the proceeds to buy six acres of Oregon land, living in seclusion and producing a small oeuvre of bitingly observant books on American culture.
In our universe, Mr. Hinman remembered to fill the gas tank beforehand, went to the prom and threw up twice despite not drinking any alcohol.
In another alternate time line, Mr. Hinman attended an accountancy conference at the age of 24, at which he noticed a display from a company selling "office computers" which fit snugly into a broom closet and could do the adding of 20 men. Fascinated by this new technology, he resolved to learn all he could about the devices, devouring all the literature available and soldering together simple computers at home.
Two years later, he quit his job and started H Computing, maker of the first successful home computer. Eventually his H-OPS operating system became the standard in both the business and personal world, and the Forbes "World's Richest People" list was renamed the "World's Richest People Apart From Alan Roger Hinman" list.
In our universe, Mr. Hinman saw the computer display, remembered his boss' opinion that "those demon machines will ruin the accounting business," and decided the less he knew about them the better. He resisted computers as much as he could, and sent his first e-mail in 2003.
In a third alternate universe, at the age of 40, Mr. Hinman found himself captured by the Revlians, polyp-covered aliens bent on conquering Earth. They subjected him to incredible torture in order to "learn the powers and limits of this Earth human species." In a development that would surprise anyone who knows him in our universe, these abuses only strengthened his resolve to escape, and Mr. Hinman came up with a daring plan that would later be made into an epic miniseries.
He gained control of the Revlian scout ship and landed it on the White House lawn in his haste to warn the president. For his bravery, Mr. Hinman was put in charge of the Planetary Peace Strikeforce and personally led the Battle of Somewhere Above Queensland, the decisive conflict in the war against the Revlians. He became the greatest war hero in history, and was elected three times to the post of Euro-American Premier before retiring in the face of an extremely manly scandal that only added to his mystique.
In our universe, Revlians do not exist, and alien abductions are a somewhat hackneyed and far-fetched literary device. The closest Mr. Hinman came to these events was the time he accidentally walked into the women's bathroom and, since it was empty and he really had to go, used it anyway.
He is survived by his brother and mother. Services will be held Friday."
Sacado de aca.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Feliz cumpleaños Leo
Como estaba algo triste (y un poco preocupado) este fin de semana ni siquiera revisé mi correo, eso no significa que me haya olvidado, mejor tarde que nunca dicen!.
El domingo pasado fué el cumpleaños de una de las mejores personas que conocí en este extraño y torcido mundo: Leonardo Bohrt.
Leín amigo, te deseo mil felicidades, espero que la hayas pasado de luján junto a tu familia. Un abrazo gigante en la distancia.
Leo no solo es mi amigo, sinó tambien mi abogado y un ex compañero de colegio. Siempre anda tan ocupado, recuerdo que la última vez que lo vi, unos días antes de venirme tuvimos que despedirnos y cruzar unas palabras en el Trufi!!!. Espero que le siga yendo tan bien como siempre.
El domingo pasado fué el cumpleaños de una de las mejores personas que conocí en este extraño y torcido mundo: Leonardo Bohrt.
Leín amigo, te deseo mil felicidades, espero que la hayas pasado de luján junto a tu familia. Un abrazo gigante en la distancia.
Leo no solo es mi amigo, sinó tambien mi abogado y un ex compañero de colegio. Siempre anda tan ocupado, recuerdo que la última vez que lo vi, unos días antes de venirme tuvimos que despedirnos y cruzar unas palabras en el Trufi!!!. Espero que le siga yendo tan bien como siempre.
Clases de lunes a viernes QEPD
La anterior semana me llego una mala noticia: ya no estaré dando clases de lunes a viernes en el CCP, asi que el fin de semana he estado un poco triste, no tanto por no dar las clases, sinó por que me salieron con "este... hay un profesor de la escuela de Virginia (la sucursal) que se quedo sin trabajo, el dará las clases de 6 a 8 y lamentablemente debido a que no hay alumnos, se cerrara el horario de la mañana".
Ni modo, fué bueno mientras duró. No les tengo ningún rencor ni nada, es mas, me ayudaron bastante. Espero que mis alumnos puedan decir lo mismo.
Ni modo, fué bueno mientras duró. No les tengo ningún rencor ni nada, es mas, me ayudaron bastante. Espero que mis alumnos puedan decir lo mismo.
La Paz ha perdido unos de sus joyas mas grandes: Katty (mi novia), esta adorable senorita pasara estas dos semanas venideras en su tierra natal debido a cuestiones de trabajo. Aparte de mandarle muchos besos, carinos y mis mejores deseos de que le vaya lo mejor posible, aprovecho un poco para hablar de su ciudad.
Lima es la capital del Peru. 9,241,961 almas peruanas conviven en el area metropolitana. Dividida en treinta Distritos, cada uno con su propio alcalde, es una de las mas grandes urbes de Sudamerica. Tiene tanta historia que hablar SOLO de su plaza central, donde se encuentra la cede de Gobierno, me tomaria por lo menos unos cuarenta minutos de escribir y a ustedes queridos lectores, unos siete minutos en leer. Como tengo sueno, mejor lo dejemos en que tiene MUCHA historia.
A pesar de lo que muchos creen, Lima si cuenta con un sistema de Metro, a pesar de estar paralizado desde 1980. El plan del gobierno es, mediante una convocatoria iniciar el trabajo de remodelacion del Metro para tenerlo funcionando para el 2009.
Personalmente, yo visite Lima hace casi exactamente un anio, Katty me invito a pasar una semana que jamas se me olvidara, pues ella hizo todo lo posible para que mi estadia tenga la mayor cantidad de paseos posibles. Alla existen Centros Comerciales tan grandes y bonitos que incluso aca no he visto ninguno que se les compare.
La visita que di al cerro San Cristobal no solo me hizo apreciar la enormidad de esta capital, sino tambien el triste problema de Smog que la azota.
Termino el segmento educativo del dia, volviendole a desar a Katty mucha suerte en su viaje (no la necesita claro), mi amor y mis buenos deseos estan simpre con ella.
Tour NYC Verano 2007 -parte 1 de 5-
Lo anuncie bastante no? bueno, al fin ahora dejo una trica de videos de nuestro paseo por Nueva York (Todos los videos sin editar):
Friday, October 19, 2007
el Tempcast episodio 3: Invitado especial... VVoltz
Como alguna vez lo mencione, mi comunidad favorita y la que tiene los foros mas entretenidos del cyberespacio es GBAtemp.
La comunidad como tal es bastante grande, con 100,000 miembros registrados, de los cuales digamos que son unos 10,000 activos, hay mucho donde opinar y todo tipo de temas de los que hablar.
Como tal GBAtemp se dedica a comentar y hacer seguimiento a programas caseros y la scene (el mundo underground) de las consolas de Nintendo, aunque va mucho mas alla, no toca temas de pirateria. La comunidad a lo largo de los anos y desde su aparicion en la Internet ha ido sumando poco a poco varias secciones, por ejemplo, cuentan con un servidor exclusivo para bajar las novedades en cuanto a programas caseros para consolas de Nintendo.
Hace poco empezaron a lanzar un programa (o Podcast) por Internet en donde 3 miembros de la comunidad fueron designados para conducirlo, el programa es bastante popular, incluso en su tercera entrega y con algo de premura en cada episodio. Basicamente los realizadores y todo el personal incluido son novatos.
El tercer episodio salio recien e incluye a participacion de su servidor como invitado.
Si quieren escuchar mi precario ingles, pueden acceder al Podcast (en formato MP3) de aca, para escuchar una version en Flash o de la pagina oficial.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Cualquiera - Colbert
Stephen Colbert es un cómico, para mi no el mejor de todos, pero bastante popular aca, conduce un programa llamado "The Colbert Report", una mezcla de noticiero de las 11, Larry King Live y Seinfield. En su show entre otras cosas, edita lo que dicen los políticos para hacerlos salir mal, hace "sketchs" sobre noticias populares o simplemente habla las cosas mas ridículas que se le ocurren sobre una noticia de actualidad, de que es ocurrente, pues eso no lo niega nadie.
Página oficial.
La cosa es que este pseudo análista político/cómico con carisma de animador y carrera (truncada) de actor acaba de lanzar un libro llamado "I'm America (And So can You)" (Yo soy America [Y También Tú]) que supongo no vendió nada mal por que al parecer tan bien se está lanzando como candidato para las elecciones a presidente. (y tal parece que no es una broma).
Al final, no se que me parece más gracioso, que este payaso se lanze a la carrera política (y pueda ganar, por que tiene muchos seguidores) o que Bill Clinton termine como la primera dama.
He volviu
Poco a poco ando desocupandome, por lo menos ya pude postear alguito.
A ver si tengo unos minutos mas puedo postear algo más.
El gran Putin
Putin es sabio, ayer jueves, advirtió a Washington que no debe usar la fuerza contra Iran.
El presidente Ruso esta reunido en la cumbre de paises del mar Caspio y tuvo la oportunidad de presentar un discurso a dignatarios de paises como Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan y Turkmenistan.
Esperemos que George no quiera terminar su mandato con la participación de su país en otra guerra.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Como habrán podido notar, estoy algo ocupado estos días, lamento mucho el no postear nada, es que con las clases y la U, casi no puedo acabar nada de lo que empie
Monday, October 1, 2007
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- Tour NYC Verano 2007 -parte 2 de 5-
- Incendios en California
- Universo Alternativo
- Feliz cumpleaños Leo
- Clases de lunes a viernes QEPD
- Lima
- Tour NYC Verano 2007 -parte 1 de 5-
- el Tempcast episodio 3: Invitado especial... VVoltz
- Walken
- Street Fighter 4 anunciado
- Cualquiera - Colbert
- He volviu
- El gran Putin
- Gracias amigos. ='(
- Ocupa-2
- Vamos 4-0
- Viajar con estilo